Industrial IoT

Egaturbo Industrial IoT (ET-IOT)

Egaturbo provides PLC-based industrial automation and connected with industrial grade IoT devices for variety of applications: tri-axial vibration monitoring, temperature monitoring, pressure monitoring, flow monitoring, and other field instrument and integrated to platform or web-based business logic solutions to help customer to capture, manage, and analyze data to improve their operational efficiency.

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Product types

Egaturbo Industrial IoT (ET-IOT) is delivering advanced analytics applications and enabling automated data capture using specifically designed industrial grade IoT devices with the following product types:

  • ET-IOT-PS, Egaturbo pump smart: Optimize the pump efficiency through variable speed pump controller
  • ET-IOT-CM, Egaturbo condition based monitoring: Provides real-time asset monitoring to decide what maintenance needs to be done
  • ET-IOT-PM, Egaturbo predictive maintenance: Provides earliest indication and deliver actionable insight to improve maintenance management
  • ET-IOT-FM, Egaturbo virtual flow meter: Mathematical model that uses process conditions to calculate flowrates instead of using physical flow meter

IoT Platform

IoT data & device management platform on the cloud and registered login account will be able to access monitoring dashboard to view the following information:

  • Real-time asset (equipment) performances
  • Real-time monitoring for asset status (on/off, active/idle)
  • Asset utilization and productivity analytics  
  • Device condition monitoring
  • Other custom reporting dashboard based on specific requirement

Typical market segments and applications

Egaturbo industrial IoT (ET-IOT) range of industry applications offers bespoke designs to fit every project need:

  • Oil and gas: pump smart, condition based monitoring, predictive maintenance, virtual flow meter
  • Power generation: pump smart, condition based monitoring, predictive maintenance
  • Chemicals: pump smart, condition based monitoring, predictive maintenance
  • General industry: pump smart, condition based monitoring, predictive maintenance

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